- Implemented login and profile system. This means you’ll be able to save all of your settings to your account.
- Implemented e-mail/text message notifications for win/CAPTCHA events. You’ll be able to select what kinds of notifications you want for different events.
This demonstrates how you'll easily be able to select what kinds of notifications you want. - Saving / Loading of settings profiles. After you configure your searcher, you’ll be able to save its state, and load it again next time you use it. The following series of screenshots demonstrates how this works
This is a non-default configuration for the searcher Saving the configuration Next time you visit searcher, you can load the saved configuration
Site Updates
Update on Auto-Searcher Premium

E-mail notifications!
- Go to the e-mail notifications page. You should see something that looks like the following.
Email notifications form - Type in your e-mail address and press “Submit”. You should receive a confirmation e-mail within ten minutes. If you don’t get it, check your spam folder. If it still doesn’t work, try again and contact us.
- After you confirm your subscription by clicking on the link in the e-mail, you’ll be able to select when you want notification e-mails. If you just want to be notified when we post a new SwagCode, make sure that’s the only thing selected and press “Submit”.
Selecting notification categories
Auto-Searcher Premium
- More customizable settings: modify the amount of time between searches, select the dictionaries you’d like to use for searches, notification sounds, etc.
- Notifications (sound, e-mail, etc.) when something noteworthy happens (you win SwagBucks, you’re prompted to enter a CAPTCHA, etc). The times you’re notified will be customizable.
- Per-user win reports and history.
- Notifications and an option to auto-enter a SwagCode when a new one comes out.
- Would you purchase this service?
- Because of existing security precautions that all modern browsers implement, it is impossible for these features to exist without the assistance of a browser plugin. Would you be willing to install a browser plugin?
- If so, would you also be willing to install Google Chrome?
Code Checker, Auto-Searcher Updates
New Site Launch! New Features!
- SwagCode checker. If you leave this page open, you will be alerted when a new SwagCode is posted. It checks for new codes every few seconds.
- Automatic Twitter updates. Follow us on twitter! We automatically update our twitter account when we post a new code. You can subscribe to text message notifications on twitter, so if you want, you can get a text message every time we post a new code!
- Automatic code generation. When a code is posted that is different for everyone, we automatically get a unique code just for you! This will be displayed in the “Active Codes” section above the chatbox. Note that this may take a few minutes to update after the code is posted.
- Auto Searcher. This tool will automatically submit a random search to SwagBucks. The time varies between 5 and 30 minutes. Please notice that we cannot take responsibility if this results in the deactivation of your account. As long as you use it conservatively (don’t leave it open for more than a few hours a day), it won’t happen.
- Arcade. Full of fun flash games to play! Compete with other members, earn points, and have a great time!
- Pop-Out chatbox. Pop the chatbox into its own window so you don’t have to say goodbye as you poke around the site.
My last features post mentioned the next feature I had in sight was e-mail notifications for new SwagCodes. This has been, at least temporarily, replaced by a less cumbersome solution: twitter.
Follow us at http://twitter.com/SwagCodeSpoiler
When there’s a new code, it will be posted to our twitter account within minutes. If your twitter account has SMS enabled, you can text follow swagcodespoiler to twitter, and you’ll start receiving text messages when we post new SwagCodes.
Additionally, for those of you who are are interested in an RSS feed containing just the Swag Codes (without any other posts), you can subscribe here:
As always, please let us know if you run into any problems or have any feedback you think might be helpful!
- Checks the Swidgit for anything out of the ordinary (i.e., saying something other than “There is no SwagCode available.”)
- Check if any active codes are available through sc-s.com’s posts.