Some Information

Hey guys, READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS Now that I’ve got your attention, most of you guys know that there have been some scamming/hacking  lately. So this post is basically all about that. What ever you do DO NOT I repeat DO NOT give out your password to anybody. DO NOT GIVE YOUR PASSWORD TO ANYBODY!!!! I can’t stress this enough DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD OR EMAILS THAT BELONG TO ANYTHING RELATED TO MONEY. Sc-s is not responsible for any lost accounts if a transaction is to be made use a middle man etc.If you would like to make a trade with anyone have a middleman. BUT  make sure the middleman is not some random person. Have the middleman be Admin or a mod on the site. You can email admin at Anyone who is caught scamming/hacking anyone you will be banned without question. If you aren’t caught and there is reliable true proof you will be banned. So again DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD!!!!!! If you have any questions or concerns email admin at or Also we have been noticing a lot of members breaking rules so please look them over by clicking here so you wont get banned. -Sc-s Staff p.s. Jasmin3 has nothing to do with scamming people she was basically being framed.