Swagbucks Swagcode June 21/2010

Swag Code:WOWSwagvitexxxx
Expires:12:00 PM PST

WAY 1:

1. Go to the WOW App on Facebook and build your profile – you get 20 free thumbs just for registering.

2. Go to “My WOW”, then scroll down the left hand side and click “Invite Friends”, which is under “More Fun”.

3. Remember that you have to invite AT LEAST 4 friends to get the code – any less and it won’t work! Once you do that, a screen will appear that contains your code!

WAY 2:

If your already a member of the app just go to the link should work.

WAY 3:

Camp out on the chatbox someone will post it for you
Code is different for everybody. Go to the location above (or copy/paste it from the “ACTIVE CODES” section to the right) to get your own version of the code. Be sure there are no spaces at the start or end of the code.

Thanks to: wicked and other people

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